
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Share photos/videos, journals and logs for your Opae ula tank setups for others to read.
 #4556  by odin
Good news on the Nitrates showing, this means ammonia is successfully being turned into Nitrites then into Nitrates and the Nitrates will feed algae and other plants. In case you were not aware high Nitrate levels are also toxic to shrimp so if your algae doesn't reduce it enough either wait for the algae to grow and become more abundant to take on the high levels of Nitrate or do a water change to reduce it with fresh brackish water (say 50%) retest and go from there. You only need to worry about the levels when you are going to introduce life (shrimp/snails) to the tank though.
 #4557  by QDanT
odin wrote: 03 Mar 2018 16:52 Good news on the Nitrates showing, this means ammonia is successfully being turned into Nitrites then into Nitrates and the Nitrates will feed algae and other plants. In case you were not aware high Nitrate levels are also toxic to shrimp so if your algae doesn't reduce it enough either wait for the algae to grow and become more abundant to take on the high levels of Nitrate or do a water change to reduce it with fresh brackish water (say 50%) retest and go from there. You only need to worry about the levels when you are going to introduce life (shrimp/snails) to the tank though.
Is there a 'happy' level of Nitrates for the Shrimp, so the Algae still grows to feed them ?
if there is but it starts to creep up would Chaeto Macro Algae help ?
Thanks Danny
 #4558  by odin
Between 0 and 5ppm to be honest but 0ppm is what you want to aim for in the end, the only reason you are getting rising nitrate levels is because you are feeding the tank with ammonia and when you stop the rising nitrate levels will stop too. The Opae ula will only produce a TINY amount of waste/ammonia and this will instantly be turned into nitrates and the tiny amount will just be enough for the alage.

If i were you id keep an eye on the green algae and when you get a decent amount do a large water change to bring the Nitrates to zero give it a day or so and test again and if its still zero then get some shrimp and snails in there. I'm amazed at how fast you got algae in your tank so its all going to plan. :smile:
 #4569  by QDanT
I've got Brown and Green patches starting to grow all over the Lava rocks and Coral, these are in focus below
and lots of Green patches all over the glass, out of focus below
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here's the Coral with a inserted blow up
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 #4635  by QDanT
Hard to get camera to focus but the Algae's growing all over the glass and on the Lava rocks and Coral
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I was getting lots of condensation which then ran down the outside of the tank leaving a salt crust when it evaporated,
bought a piece of 3mm clear Perspex and cut it to a flush internal tank size using a 4.5" angle grinder and diamond cut off wheel then x2 - 2mm x 15 mm notches on opposite sides to allow for x4 Light clips. Drilled a 20mm hole in the centre for taking water samples, water changes, feeding and as a finger hole to remove and fit. Works a treat no condensation above and below it pools and drips back in the tank.
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My next fettle was to tidy up the lighting wire Rats nest, down to the 'it'll come in handy one day' scrap pile in the 'Shed' - the columne from my black + white enlarger, a piece of chromed copper pipe from fitting the shower gave :-
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Bare bulbs hanging looked a bit naff so light shades ???? Eureka !
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I used Energizer 5 watt 6500k GU10 bulbs and GU10 to bayonet addapters
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The x2 small tanks (12 ltr) were in Home Bargains at £12 each with an internal (mains) carbon sponge filter, small net, plastic plants and a tank back drop. One's set up for the Marimo with x2 Zebra Danioes to cycle it then some Fresh water Shrimp, the other's going to be set up as a Brackish SG 1.005 half way house for Nerite Snails etc.
 #4636  by opae ula related
Nice idea with the clips and the lights. Looks like a science project room. =)
 #4644  by odin
I've got to admit i love seeing build threads like this when you hand craft stuff to help with the tank setup. Keep the updates coming!
 #4686  by Vorteil
Looks awesome. I too started with one tank which now numbers 3. It's been an obsession.
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