
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Share photos/videos, journals and logs for your Opae ula tank setups for others to read.
 #4689  by QDanT
Vorteil wrote: 17 Mar 2018 23:49 Looks awesome. I too started with one tank which now numbers 3. It's been an obsession.
Hi Vorteil, it's getting that way one of the benefits of being a Pensioner is being Rich in Time, if not money !
So if I cann't afford fancy LED lights I can 'bodge' them out of Coffee tins and scrap :wink:
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 #4690  by Vorteil
Want to bet you don't stop where you're at? :laugh: I took another look and saw the 2 bottle or jars on the left that I missed the first time. I took down 1 2.5 gal & a 3 gallon tank in order to set up a 10. Wife's not too pleased with all the tanks popping up. I also made a jar opae tank.
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 #4691  by QDanT
Vorteil wrote: 18 Mar 2018 21:09 Want to bet you don't stop where you're at? :laugh: I took another look and saw the 2 bottle or jars on the left that I missed the first time. I took down 1 2.5 gal & a 3 gallon tank in order to set up a 10. Wife's not too pleased with all the tanks popping up. I also made a jar opae tank.
Hi, one jar has Chaetomorpha Algae I change the water when I change the cycling Opae ula tank water as I'm still wanting more Algae to grow in it. I'll put the Chaeto in to slow it down when I've enough, the other jar is an Infusoria and Daphnia culture to feed my X3 Zebra Danioes in the middle tank I put them in to cycle the tank but they're fun to watch and I think they're staying, also to feed my x1 Bamboo Shrimp in the right hand tank. I'd say after 40 years I've got the wife trained, she'd say after 40 years I give up
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 #4693  by Vorteil
LOl I assumed all the tanks had opae in it. Congrats on the 40 years. Your Chaetomorpha Algae is nice and dark green. Mine is half dark and have light green. Any idea how to keep it dark green? As far as lighting it's in a 6 gallon tank with 18w flourescent.
 #4694  by QDanT
Vorteil wrote: 18 Mar 2018 22:18 LOl I assumed all the tanks had opae in it. Congrats on the 40 years. Your Chaetomorpha Algae is nice and dark green. Mine is half dark and have light green. Any idea how to keep it dark green? As far as lighting it's in a 6 gallon tank with 18w flourescent.
The bulbs I'm using are 6500k
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Daylight spotlight, seem very intense 370 lumen don't know how many lumen your 18w flourescent give off ?
the Chaetomorpha was paler when it arrived but soon greened up under the light the first tank cycle water it was in was 20ppm Nitrate. I give it a stir turn over every day, I've no Opae ula yet still cycling the tank just 1 Bamboo Shrimp in the small tank viewtopic.php?f=24&p=4688#p4688
 #4695  by Vorteil
I believe my lumens are pretty low. It's funny because the top of the chaeto was light green and the underneath was dark green. I'll take a pic of it.
 #4700  by Vorteil
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 #4701  by odin
@vorteil my macro algae does the same thing and I know it’s not light related as some of mine has grown higher (dark green) then the part that is lighter at the bottom but I have also had some separate clumps on the other side of my tank that is dark green and is only as close to the light as the part that’s a light green if you understand what I mean.

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 #4702  by Vorteil
Interesting. I wanted to see if anyone knew why. It's funny because I originally purchased mine out here in California. I had asked the seller how do you keep it going(alive) if it's already taken up the nutrients in the tank. I figured it was at this stage since it was no longer growing. No answer on this question that I posed on their forum. The opae don't put out very much waste and since I feed maybe once a month or longer there's not much excess nutrients in the water. Your thoughts?
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