
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #4856  by Jonny5
The eggs look small compared to the other pics I have seen. So probably pretty new. Any special attention suggested or needed.
 #4857  by odin
Nope just leave them all to it!

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 #4879  by Jonny5
Do they drop eggs sometimes? Or maybe I have another one. Did I also get a pic of one pooping. Lol
20180409_110139.jpg (322.77 KiB) Viewed 12565 times
 #4881  by odin
Yes they can drop eggs from time to time and sometimes when a female has her first couple of clutches of eggs she can drop a lot of them from my experience.

Ps that one is pooping like there is no tomorrow lol

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 #4894  by Jonny5
I think I may have more with eggs on the way. Several of them have very large black saddles that go down the tail a bit.
 #4901  by opae ula related
Jonny5 wrote:I think I may have more with eggs on the way. Several of them have very large black saddles that go down the tail a bit.
 #4910  by odin
Great news!
 #5056  by Jonny5
Well it seems they are gone. Not sure what's up but have not seen mother with eggs or anything that resembles babies at top of rank. Damn....
 #5057  by odin
aww that sucks but does happen im afraid.. hopefully next time she will not drop them or the larvae will stay alive ig they get to that point.