
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

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 #4703  by odin
I’m off to buy some plant fertiliser with extra iron to experiment... this is in a separate tank with NO shrimp in it... just macro algae with no light on top, it just gets external light from my tanks either side of it.

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 #4704  by Vorteil
I've been using Envy in the last two weeks. Purple tech has been maybe 2-3 months. Stopped using purple tech and will continue to use envy. Both were purchased at the LFS.
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 #4708  by odin
I purchase this one last night, I haven’t used it yet though.
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 #4717  by QDanT
After the last 50% water change
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just got to get the Nitrite down. I've some Prodibio BioDigest in the post not shure wether to do another water change then add it
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or just add it without a water change
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the Algae seems to be growing
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so get the Nitrite down and I'll add a couple of Zebra Nerite Snails and tell them to clean up the front glass :laugh:
 #4718  by odin
Yeah stop dosing Ammonia now, do a large water change and add a vial of biodigest and just observe for a few days and take some measurements as this should speed up the process. Failing that you can just continue to do large water changes until your Nitrites disappear and the cycle completes.

As long as you have zero Ammonia and Nitrites and very very low Nitrates it’s safe to add shrimp.

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 #4743  by QDanT
22-3-18 50% water change and added x1 standard vial Prodibio BioDigest
 #4749  by QDanT
QDanT wrote: 18 Mar 2018 21:45
Vorteil wrote: 18 Mar 2018 21:09 I took another look and saw the 2 bottle or jars on the left that I missed the first time.
Hi, one jar has Chaetomorpha Algae , the other jar is an Infusoria and Daphnia culture
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 #4756  by QDanT
24-3-18 75* F
SG = 0.010
TDS = 787
PH = 7.4
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrite = 0.25 ppm
Nitrate = 0 ppm
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 #4757  by odin
Nitrite is coming down then by the looks of things?
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