
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #4242  by odin
Audeuinella - (Red algae, Red Brush Algae, Rhodophyta)

Pulled from: http://aquafisher.org.ua/vodorosli-v-ak ... ush-algae/

Thanks: @opae ula related
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 #4245  by opae ula related
Above, only the 1st and last picture looks like mines. Wonder if there are different variants of it.
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 #4250  by odin
Highly possible, it looks awesome though :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
 #4292  by Jonny5
Coloring of it depends on it's health, light, and nutrients in water. This stuff killed almost everything in one of my tanks years ago. Before I believed in testing water parameters. Pulls ph and hardness down very fast. Thrives in tanks with low oxygen and will pull oxygen low. Don't make sense but will suffocate fish but yet lots of air stone will almost kill it out. If it gets out of control use some hydrogen peroxide in one of those injectors. Max 1 mill per gallon better to be on the less side. Just slowly inject it into the mats of it. Will turn red them pale and then gone.
 #4295  by opae ula related
Jonny5 wrote:Coloring of it depends on it's health, light, and nutrients in water. This stuff killed almost everything in one of my tanks years ago. Before I believed in testing water parameters. Pulls ph and hardness down very fast. Thrives in tanks with low oxygen and will pull oxygen low. Don't make sense but will suffocate fish but yet lots of air stone will almost kill it out. If it gets out of control use some hydrogen peroxide in one of those injectors. Max 1 mill per gallon better to be on the less side. Just slowly inject it into the mats of it. Will turn red them pale and then gone.

The tank you almost lost everything, was it a fresh water or Marine tank?

 #4296  by Jonny5
It was a freshwater tank. They also call it black beard algae. It will also live in salt water. I was told it can go to full salt but can't vouch for that but do know for sure it can live very well with aquarium salt for freshwater.
 #4297  by Jonny5
I thought it looked cool. Covered almost all decorations in my tank. Noticed I started to loose fish often and quickly. By chance very late one night I noticed almost all fish at surface gasping. Probally would have lost all of them eventually if I didn't get up for water that night. Wouldn't have even known why if I didn't see them.
 #4298  by opae ula related
Jonny5 wrote:I thought it looked cool. Covered almost all decorations in my tank. Noticed I started to loose fish often and quickly. By chance very late one night I noticed almost all fish at surface gasping. Probally would have lost all of them eventually if I didn't get up for water that night. Wouldn't have even known why if I didn't see them.
You sure it was the algae? Read there are 164 freshwater species.

It does look cool and I have no issues with it in my Opae Ula tank.
 #4299  by opae ula related
opae ula related wrote: 17 Jan 2018 00:57
Jonny5 wrote:I thought it looked cool. Covered almost all decorations in my tank. Noticed I started to loose fish often and quickly. By chance very late one night I noticed almost all fish at surface gasping. Probally would have lost all of them eventually if I didn't get up for water that night. Wouldn't have even known why if I didn't see them.
You sure it was the algae? Read there are 164 freshwater species.

It does look cool and I have no issues with it in my Opae Ula tank.
Close up of it.
 #4300  by Jonny5
Ya it pulled down the ph of the water and pulled all air out of tank at night. The night of I just added air stones and helped. Next day brought water in to petsmart and ph was off their chart low. Added buffers to get back up but same problem happened over night but wasn't quite as bad. Called the lfs the next day and he used drop test. Said every thing looked good and he had no idea. Said to try water change. Didn't really fix problem. Kinda just left it. Ph started to drop again and fish started to die. Did a bunch of research and found that this algea stripped o2 from water pretty quickly and didn't like high oxygen water. Also caused ph to drop from all the co2 or lack of o2. None the less I removed about 75% and problems went away.

Then decided to shut down and go to planted tank. Was going to go with dirt bottom and crushed lava rock. Used warm water to speed up heating the tank up but some how the cold got shut off. Scolding hot water caused tank to crack. Good buy 150 cube tank. Then bought a 210 and went to full reef tank. 6 years later I plan on selling live stock and going back to freshwater so I can have a hobby the kids can be included in. Salt water creatures cost to much lol.