
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #6563  by Melijayne
Heeey!!! So it's been like 6 weeks or so since my shrimps arrived in their tiny tank and I joined this wonderful forum!

The water has really cleared up, one shrimp is normally quite red (as I am led to believe this means a happy shrimp) and the other one is a constant see through pinky colour :)

They seem happy, but how do I know if they have enough food? I used to see them swimming around loads when I first put them in the tank, normally they would be rummaging/digging as stuff they would land on, but now they're really docile and don't swim about at all and I hardly ever see them doing that scraping/digging motion anymore.

I have some of this stuff (pictured) which says I should feed everyday, but I haven't noticed the shrimps take any interest. Do you think they are OK?
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 #6568  by opae ula related
Melijayne wrote:Heeey!!! So it's been like 6 weeks or so since my shrimps arrived in their tiny tank and I joined this wonderful forum!

The water has really cleared up, one shrimp is normally quite red (as I am led to believe this means a happy shrimp) and the other one is a constant see through pinky colour :)

They seem happy, but how do I know if they have enough food? I used to see them swimming around loads when I first put them in the tank, normally they would be rummaging/digging as stuff they would land on, but now they're really docile and don't swim about at all and I hardly ever see them doing that scraping/digging motion anymore.

I have some of this stuff (pictured) which says I should feed everyday, but I haven't noticed the shrimps take any interest. Do you think they are OK?
Everything seems normal. They can survive on Algae alone with some owners never feeding anything but the Algae growing in the tank. Here is an analogy, humans in a enclosed area with lettuce growing everywhere. :) . Humans can survive without food for 21 days and there was a study for Opae Ula without food for more than a month ( forgot exact days). Dont feed the food you bought everyday and remove uneaten food right away or it will foul up the water. Think of it as a treat only if they like it. I personally put other foods once a month.
 #6569  by Algae In Space
I am very sorry to tell you that your Opae Ula don't need food like this :nerner: It will harm the tank more than it will do good because it is made of ground up water animals. If you want to give them a treat now and then just feed a very tiny amount of spirulina every now and then. You can sprinkle a bit on the water surface or put a bit on a wet rock (or something else) let it dry and then submerge it.

I know that you only want the best for your two Opaes and therefor you got some food. But that's the best way to go :grin3:

Like this: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=388&start=50

If you see a belly full of poop everything is A-OK! :smile: