
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #6955  by Vorteil
Wow nice tank. The size is great with plenty of room for the opae to grow and breed. You need to keep in mind that the algae feeds off the waste that the opae & MTS produce. I think there's something off in the tank since the macro algae should not have gone bad that soon. Granted my tanks have been up for some time there's plenty of opae in them to support the algae. One of the tanks I just let the macro algae grow any way it wants. There's probably more than 500+ opae in this one.
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 #6956  by SPELLBOUND
Thanks, I will let tank mature for a few month's then order some more micro algea and add some then. 👍👌
 #6959  by opae ula related
Vorteil wrote:Wow nice tank. The size is great with plenty of room for the opae to grow and breed. You need to keep in mind that the algae feeds off the waste that the opae & MTS produce. I think there's something off in the tank since the macro algae should not have gone bad that soon. Granted my tanks have been up for some time there's plenty of opae in them to support the algae. One of the tanks I just let the macro algae grow any way it wants. There's probably more than 500+ opae in this one.
Do they hide deep in the algae? :)
 #6960  by odin
I would look at your lights too, this plant is like any other and will require light to grow, too much and it can make it look very pale in colour also.

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 #6962  by Vorteil
Even in this tank there's still not enough nutrients to feed all the macro algae. You can see some is discolored and not all dark green. I have stated before in another post I'll pull the alage out & still it in a container with fertilizer to bring back the dark green color. Once I pull it out all that left is single strands on the bottom. This is 2 weeks after I've pulled it all out except for the ball of algae on the right. All the single strands now have enough nutrients to absorb & grow. I should have taken pic every day to show the growth. Next time I will.

Somehow some of it attached at the top right. I'll just leave it there.
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 #6963  by odin
Looks like it grows back fine when in the right size/ratio to food, what ferts do you use when giving it food in a separate container? I have just bought some high iron feed to try.
 #6965  by SPELLBOUND
I will defo buy some more, but will wait until shrimp in and more mature tank first, don't think a few snails will be enough at moment. One think I noticed was it was quite wire like what I had, more like the reef micro algae, were as on the super shrimp mustafa site its much finer. Is it much different ?
 #6966  by Vorteil
All that you see here originally came from Mustafa. If you have the nutrients to feed it, it grows well.