
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Having issues with your tank or inhabitants? Need to know what equipment to use or have other questions? Post here!
 #5733  by Paulao
Thanks for the answers @odin , I've gone to the LFS to purchase API test kit (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), got a PH test pen and a refractometer for salinity testing,
Some ocean rocks, black and white gravel sand and also some marine salt. Unfortunately no luck with nice lava rocks and the tank that I've reserved previously. Got to wait another 2 more days till stock arrives.
Do you guys think ocean rock or lava rock is of a better choice?

Well @opae ula related , hereby is my existing 2 x 9litres opae ula tank, and also a 3litres tank for my small team of Alpha opae ula which I would wish to rebuild a new atmosphere for them after I've done up the big tank for my opae ulas.
Salinity is 1.012
Water temperature is often 29degree to 30degree
Water perimeters not tested yet, will concentrate on the new water perimeters of the new tank that I'm gonna build up for them
Lots of algae on the glass surface but i do feed them spirulina & biozyme powder as treats sometimes.
opae ula related wrote: 11 Nov 2018 18:07 we need pics of your tanks :laugh:
Opae ula tank 2-min.jpg
Opae ula tank 2-min.jpg (1.96 MiB) Viewed 15938 times
Opae ula tank 1-min.jpg
Opae ula tank 1-min.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 15938 times
Alpha opae ula tank-min.jpg
Alpha opae ula tank-min.jpg (931.99 KiB) Viewed 15938 times
Ocean Rocks.jpg
Ocean Rocks.jpg (1.17 MiB) Viewed 15938 times
 #5760  by Paulao
@Arnold I don't seem to have any issue with the cholla wood. I've boiled it in RO water and soil it in brackish water for nearly 2days before adding it to the tank. I have no deaths in either of the 2 tanks with chollas.

@Algae In Space you have a tank picture / link that i can view too? :smile:

@opae ula related I have now with me 5 Alpha in my small tank. One of them had berried twice before but didn't make it to larve stage. Even tried once to separate it into another tank with higher salinity but didn't work. I've research and understood its hard to breed Alpha in captivity. Do you have keep Alpha too?
 #5762  by opae ula related
Paulao wrote:
@opae ula related I have now with me 5 Alpha in my small tank. One of them had berried twice before but didn't make it to larve stage. Even tried once to separate it into another tank with higher salinity but didn't work. I've research and understood its hard to breed Alpha in captivity. Do you have keep Alpha too?
Yes, I have only one female and one male. A video of the female one.
 #5763  by Paulao
Wow congrats @opae ula related , hopefully we can see more videos on your Alpha's larvae soon. What's your plan? separate it with a higher salinity tank? i read in your other post that you tried sea water from your friend but it didn't work. Could it be our sea water content is different from big sea?
My first attempt was leave it in is original tank with other Alpha but it didn't worked for me. Second attempt was separated in higher salinity but didn't worked too.
opae ula related wrote: 13 Nov 2018 21:21
Paulao wrote:
@opae ula related I have now with me 5 Alpha in my small tank. One of them had berried twice before but didn't make it to larve stage. Even tried once to separate it into another tank with higher salinity but didn't work. I've research and understood its hard to breed Alpha in captivity. Do you have keep Alpha too?
Yes, I have only one female and one male. A video of the female one.
 #5764  by opae ula related
Paulao wrote:Wow congrats @opae ula related , hopefully we can see more videos on your Alpha's larvae soon. What's your plan? separate it with a higher salinity tank? i read in your other post that you tried sea water from your friend but it didn't work. Could it be our sea water content is different from big sea?
My first attempt was leave it in is original tank with other Alpha but it didn't worked for me. Second attempt was separated in higher salinity but didn't worked too.
opae ula related wrote: 13 Nov 2018 21:21
Paulao wrote:
@opae ula related I have now with me 5 Alpha in my small tank. One of them had berried twice before but didn't make it to larve stage. Even tried once to separate it into another tank with higher salinity but didn't work. I've research and understood its hard to breed Alpha in captivity. Do you have keep Alpha too?
Yes, I have only one female and one male. A video of the female one.
You mistaken, it was Beano. I think Beano went the furthest with the Alpha larva.
 #5767  by Paulao
@opae ula related My apologies on the mistaken. Where are you from? Do you keep opae ula too? I'm wondering would a filter or air pump be needed during cycle process? And is there a recommendation on lighting watt requirement for example a 57litre tank or so long as there is a light it is good enough? Any advice on the above?