
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Having issues with your tank or inhabitants? Need to know what equipment to use or have other questions? Post here!
 #7859  by Algae In Space
Arnold wrote: 21 May 2019 22:24 The Samolus plant its still healthy and growing


That's cool. I don't understand how this plant can grow under water and ob land???

Man you got all the good stuff :laugh:
 #7863  by opae ula related
Algae In Space wrote:
Algae In Space wrote: 02 Jul 2019 18:23 Nice! I can order the Samolus valerandi here in Austria!!! I will do exactly that :cool:

Sweet. I ordered it online. Looking forward to this plant growing in my tank :grin3:
Cool! Pics when you get it.
 #9976  by Javik
opae ula related wrote: 25 Aug 2021 21:28 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9z-OVpkfY ... =copy_link

He was able to grow a certain moss ball in his tank.
Wow, that moss has carpeted really nice. Definitely want to know what species that is.

I've heard that baltic sea moss balls are much more tolerant of salinity changes than Japanese variety, the ones that grow in Scotland are possibly similar.
 #9977  by Vorteil
His could be just a thick covering of algae. Similar to this maybe?
IMG_9132.JPG (37.34 KiB) Viewed 42639 times
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 #9979  by solomalawi.
Vorteil wrote:His could be just a thick covering of algae. Similar to this maybe?
Is it your tank? How do you get these algae?

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 #9983  by Vorteil
These are 2 of my tanks. I had gotten some rocks from Hawaii that were covered in this algae. I just kept transferring it to new tanks that I would start. I'll probably do some maintenance on my tanks over this weekend. I need to clean the glass and remove some of the chaeto as it's grown too much and I need to trim it back. These are maintenance free tanks but I still do need to do some.

This is from Jun 28th
Jun 28 2021.jpg
Jun 28 2021.jpg (62.57 KiB) Viewed 42629 times
This is from July 22nd
IMG_7845.jpg (50.35 KiB) Viewed 42629 times
Another tank pic from June
June 2021.jpg
June 2021.jpg (63.75 KiB) Viewed 42629 times