
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

This section is to discuss anything Opae ula shrimp and brackish water related. e.g Nerite snails, algae etc..
 #6967  by SPELLBOUND
OK, good to here, how do I get the nutrients , even once my tank is ready and I get some shrimp, both shrimp and MTS bio load would still be very small. ?am I better putting a sponge filter in and feeding more or just wait , ty.
 #6968  by Vorteil
I would not use any type of filtration. I would wait. In my opinion I would feed a little at the begining. This particular tank was fed often with freeze dried spirulina. Never used a sponge filter nor did I do any water changes. You can see all the film at the top so no airline. Babies are doing fine in here. Where are you located?

Pics are large so you can see the babies easier.
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 #6972  by Vorteil
If you were here in the states I would just send you the macro algae. I know most on this site are from the UK. Just assuming.
 #6974  by SPELLBOUND
OK guys, I've gone to my local LFS today and had my water parameters checked.

So tank is only 3 weeks old. But started with RO water and microbe lift reef salt to make it brackish and for a week added microbe lift bacteria and a bag full of MTS which I fed for a few days to help cycle tank.

Kept lights on for 12 hrs a day.

Lots of biofilm on surface and glass but no algae yet.

Temp is 22 deg with a heater in on minimum but looking to take it out as room temp is usually about 20 deg ???

My water parameters are
SG - 1.060
Phosphate - 0.05
Nitrate - 0
Ammonia - 0
PH - 6.8
Kh - 6

Is it ready to order some shrimps yet. I have also took a large handful of very green algae gravel from one of there Reef tanks which has no live rocks or anything in, just the fish and gravel. Was looking to use this gravel to seed my tank with the green algae ???

Any advice on any of the above please. Is it shrimp ready 😁😁😁
 #6990  by Vorteil
How's you tank looking now? You should be good to go. Any pics?