
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Having issues with your tank or inhabitants? Need to know what equipment to use or have other questions? Post here!
 #10463  by robbyd
634718CA-1E0F-4392-9FE5-80C71A63D5E0.jpeg (1.26 MiB) Viewed 39878 times
Hi all,

As seen in the picture, my snails (malaysian trumpet snails I believe) are at the top of the tank alot. I have read that this is because they are going to the top for oxygen? I want to know if this is a bad thing and how I can stop this. The snails are reproducing at an insane rate so is it because there are too many snails?
Please let me know. Thank you!
 #10464  by Vorteil
The snails are just feeding on the biofilm that forms at the waters edge & on the surface. Completely normal. You'll always see new baby snails. As far as how big they get depends on the calcium in the water. The snails need this for shell growth & most don't have much calcium in their water. If there's very little calcium the snails will stay small and won't have much growth.