
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

Having issues with your tank or inhabitants? Need to know what equipment to use or have other questions? Post here!
 #8130  by Owlbit
Now that is a strange question to consider. When I watch videos on planted tanks, everyone wants to know how to prevent algae. So, how do we grow it?

What lighting system works for you and your algae production? Do I spend money on some spiffy looking planted tank light or just buy some Phillips 13-Watt (60-Watt Equivalent) T2 Spiral CFL Light Bulb Daylight (6500K) that comes in a 4-pack?

I don't want to blind the shrimps or roast them with a mega sun looming over their heads, but I do want good green algae growth. I don't want a mega bloom of black beard algae or some slimy overgrown looking kinds. Just nice healthy (and delicious for the shrimp) green coating on all surfaces.
 #8131  by odin
I’m not one to really ask for this, I either end up with none at all or it’s over grown with green slime lol.

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 #8132  by Algae In Space
Light doesn't discriminate. Anyone who wants some love will get it :smile:

That said I give you: https://algaeresearchsupply.com/pages/l ... e-cultures

So the typical 6000ish Kelvin LED or lamp is fine. Somehow I'd say the more the better. But you will know it's too much when the water starts boiling!

But I would say it comes down to nutrients. Light not "THAT" important. So if you want to go full mayhem you can pour aquarium plant fertilizer into the tank. That's my contribution :grin:
 #8133  by Owlbit
:what: I have considered the fertilizer point of view, but would be scared to add something not tested for them as safe. :lol: The snail helps the tank by adding more bioload, but he is eating everything in sight. So the limiting factor would be the inhabitants (and supplemental feedings) creating enough food for algae to grow.

So for light, I will just buy those phillips bulbs I posted since it is 6500k full spectrum.
 #8135  by Vorteil
Very simple & easy way to get tons of algae in your tank the natural way. Just start feeding your opae every other day freeze dried spirulina. That will fertilize the tank & cause the algae to grow like crazy. Any light will do. Doesn't have to be full spectrum. The more you feed the more alage you will get.
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 #8136  by Algae In Space
Vorteil wrote: 02 Aug 2019 22:19 Very simple & easy way to get tons of algae in your tank the natural way. Just start feeding your opae every other day freeze dried spirulina. That will fertilize the tank & cause the algae to grow like crazy. Any light will do. Doesn't have to be full spectrum. The more you feed the more alage you will get.


 #8138  by Owlbit
Vorteil wrote: 02 Aug 2019 22:19 Very simple & easy way to get tons of algae in your tank the natural way. Just start feeding your opae every other day freeze dried spirulina. That will fertilize the tank & cause the algae to grow like crazy. Any light will do. Doesn't have to be full spectrum. The more you feed the more alage you will get.

That is some beautiful greenery. Would I have to be concerned about water quality though? Right now I am feeding less than a 'smidgen' twice a week to help seed the tank more.
 #8141  by Vorteil
Water quality has been great. No issues at all. The spirulina is a very pure food source which I feel does not pollute the water. The tanks I have that are " green" tells you at at one point in time I heavily fed my tanks. There's no way a tank will get this greem unless you feed. Algae needs a food source like everything else and they shrimp provide plenty of it. This particular 10 gallon tank is just left alone. It's in the back of other tanks so I don't even clean the sides of the tank. water gets tested every blue moon. I know what i've fed in the past. I have not fed any of my tanks for quite some time. I've learned to resist that urge.
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 #8187  by opae ula related
Vorteil wrote:Water quality has been great. No issues at all. The spirulina is a very pure food source which I feel does not pollute the water. The tanks I have that are " green" tells you at at one point in time I heavily fed my tanks. There's no way a tank will get this greem unless you feed. Algae needs a food source like everything else and they shrimp provide plenty of it. This particular 10 gallon tank is just left alone. It's in the back of other tanks so I don't even clean the sides of the tank. water gets tested every blue moon. I know what i've fed in the past. I have not fed any of my tanks for quite some time. I've learned to resist that urge.
What is the black tube on the first pic?
 #8191  by Vorteil
@opae ula related
That's a piece of black licorice. Not sure. I think it's some of the tubing that's from the tank in from of it. I need to check it out tonight. That specific 10 gallon tank is in back of the 10 gallon ML tank.I've been thinking of turning both tanks sideways so I can view both easily.